Top 7 Fast Easy Ways To Migrate To Australia, pub-8126093596751246, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Many immigrants are looking for fast and easy ways to migrate to Australia. The steps to take may be tough, but other avenues facilitate a smooth entry. Australia is different from other countries in terms of visitations because visitors are drawn to the country due to its high standards of living and diverse culture.

A country like Australia welcomes different types of visitors whether they are coming to the country for a higher education, to seek career prospects, or to make a fresh start, there are various range of visa options.

If you would like to find a fast and easy way to migrate to Australia, this blog gives you some of the best routes you can take regardless of your situation. Australia’s immigration authorities commit to meet different needs from providing visas to immigrants to taking care of any other travel-related issues.

Once you get to know these fast and reliable ways, you can save time and energy during the application process to set yourself on a path to success.
What Are The Fast And Easy Ways To Migrate To Australia Effortlessly?
1. Skilled Migration Pathways
Immigrants have the opportunity to use the Skilled Migration Pathways as a fast and easy way to migrate to Australia. Only highly skilled professionals having the potential to contribute to the economy can apply for this visa type. However, immigrants can also obtain permanent residency using various visa options below;

I. Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189): While obtaining the Skilled Independent Visa after approval, you will be able to work anywhere in the country in addition to your permanent residency. The processing time for this visa may be fast, especially if there are few applicants.

II. Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190): The Skilled Nominated Visa is similar to the Skilled Independent Visa, but the application criteria are slightly different. The criteria for approval are set by the nominating where the immigrant wants to reside. They can also get a higher chance of being selected for the visa if the state nomination boosts their point score.

III. Skilled Work Regional Visa: (Subclass 491): The Skilled Work Regional Visa is the road map for immigrant’s permanent residency especially if they are willing to work in the regional part of the country. Just like the previous visa, this one also requires state nomination, and what sets it apart is the sponsorship requirement. Applicants must live in the area for a minimum of three years before applying.
2. Employer Sponsored Visas
Employer-sponsored visas are known as the hot cake among immigrants who have just received a job offer from an Australian employer. While it is another fast and easy way to migrate to Australia, employers will also be able to fill gaps in the country’s local labor market. If you received or are likely to receive a job offer, here are some of the visa options to explore;

I. Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Visa (Subclass 482): The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa enables Australian employers to create pathways for immigrants to settle in the country by proposing job offers. This type of visa varies based on the occupation and employment duration. The job offer must be from an eligible employer and immigrants are required to work for a certain period before they can become eligible for permanent residency.

II. Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Visa (Subclass 186): To obtain a visa under the Employer Nomination Scheme, immigrants or skilled workers must be nominated by an Australian employer. The three streams, Direct Entry, Temporary Residence Transition, and Agreement Stream, facilitate a smooth entry into the country by ensuring that immigrants get what they need, from healthcare to education.

III. Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Visa (Subclass 187): The RSMS is specially made for those seeking to work in Australia’s regional areas. Unlike the ENS, the RSMS prioritizes filling skill shortages in rural and regional areas. This distinct employment visa offers a fast and easy way to migrate to Australia without stress.
3. Student Visa Route
Many international students are looking for fast and easy ways to migrate to Australia after completing their education in the country. Australia offers a world-class education system and an attractive lifestyle that no applicant can resist. While allowing you to study, you can also opt for permanent residency. Here are some of the student visa options and benefits available.

I. Student Visa (Subclass 500): The Subclass 500 enables you to study in any Australian-accredited educational institution. It also offers benefits by allowing you to work up to 48 hours while studying to have a good work experience especially if you want to obtain a work visa later on. Understand that there are many steps taken to determine eligibility and the visa can be extended based on duration of stay.

II. Post-Study Work Visa (Subclass 485): The Post Work Study Visa is only available for graduates so that they can stay and work in the country for up to 4 years. Many graduates benefit from this visa in such a way that they gain valuable work experience by solidifying their eligibility for skilled migration.
4. Family And Partner’s Visas
Immigrants can find a fast and easy way to migrate to Australia, especially when they are being sponsored by a family member or partner who happens to be an Australian citizen or permanent resident. The essence of these visas is to create routes to possess permanent residency and reunite with loved ones. Let’s look at the key family and partner visa options;

I. Partner Visa (Subclass 820/801): Once you have a genuine relationship with someone whom you intend to settle down with, this Australian Partner Visa has you covered. It has a two-stage process whereby you must pass them to become fully naturalized.

II. Prospective Marriage Visa (Subclass 300): Subclass 300 focuses on couples planning to marry. With this visa, you can enter Australia and get married within 9 months. Note that this visa application doesn’t get granted automatically till after the marriage. A strong eligibility requirement is the evidence of an intention to marry and also meet certain health and character requirements.

III. Parent Visa (Subclass 103): The parent visa, known as Subclass 103 benefits individuals who have children as Australian citizens or permanent residents. This visa enables them to join their offspring, provided that they meet the qualifications and requirements. Although it usually takes longer to process, it provides parents an opportunity to reunite with their families.
5. Business And Investment Visas
Australia recognizes the potential of business-minded individuals and investors so the country’s immigration authority does not hesitate to grant them visas that align with their careers and purpose of stay. The purpose of these visas is to encourage business innovation and investment in the country’s economy. Here are the main categories that are always available to applicants;

I. Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 188): The Subclass 188 visa is suitable for those willing to own and manage new or existing businesses by investing in the country’s economy. This type of visa doesn’t instantly guarantee a permanent visa until applicants meet the stated criteria.

II. Business Talent (Permanent) Visa (Subclass 132): Known for attracting potential business moguls with a proven track record of success, the Business Talent Permanent Visa grants them the opportunity for a direct permanent secretary to establish and grow a successful business in the country. Applicants go through the Significant Business History Stream or the Venture Captial Entrepreneur Stream to get approved.
6. Regional Migration Programs
With Regional Migration Programs, Applicants will be guaranteed a fast and easy way to migrate to Australia This residency is exclusive to those willing to live and work in regional areas based on skill shortages. After obtaining this visa, you will not be allowed to work in the major cities. Below is the most common type;

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (Subclass 491): Applicants live in the country for 3 to 5 years and they must be nominated by a state or territory governor residing in the designated area. Regional visas usually have a faster processing time, unlike others.
7. Working Holiday Visa
While not directly associated with a fast and easy way to migrate to Australia, the Working Holiday visa is meant for travelers to experience life in the country as they work to support their travels. This visa is based on a temporary and flexible way to integrate with others in a new space. Below are the options under this visa;

I. Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417): Once you are aged from 18 to 30, you can be eligible for this visa option. Note that the Subclass 417 requirements must be met before approval. Consequently, you can work for up to a year and also extend your stay by meeting certain regional work requirements.

II. Work and Holiday Visa (Subclass 462): The Subclass 462 is quite similar to the one we mentioned above. The only difference is that there are additional requirements and English language proficiency tests.
Fast And Easy Ways To Migrate To Australia: Key Factors To Consider
1. Visa Eligibility
Before opting for any of our fast and easy ways to migrate to Australia, you need to look at your visa level of eligibility. When it comes to visas, it covers various aspects from the possibility of determining visa eligibility to an approved visa application. These pointers are very important since they can have a significant impact on your entry. You can explore various options under each category that suits your preferences.
2. Cost of Living
You also need to consider the cost of living in the Australian city you intend to settle in. While it varies significantly, it plays a significant role in your financial condition. Therefore, keep your cost of living in mind as you explore our fast and easy ways to migrate to Australia.

3. Employment Opportunities
This goes especially for international job applicants looking for fast and easy ways they can migrate to Australia. While certain professions are in demand, it’s important to know where your area of expertise will be required, as well as the employment prospects in such a region.
4. Healthcare System
Since Australia is among the countries that prioritize a stable healthcare system, all applicants need to understand how it works especially if they are not permanent residents. Get the right healthcare coverage for yourself to deal with any sudden health issues that may arise in the future.
Which is the fastest skilled visa in Australia?
The fastest skilled visa you can get in Australia is the Subclass 189. It also guarantees permanent residency based on the needs of skilled workers not sponsored by a foreign employer or family member.

How much money do I need to enter Australia?
To enter Australia, you need around $5000 as well as your proof of funds and bank statement. If you don’t have up to this amount, you can request a loan or borrow from family or friends with a strong commitment to pay back.

What is the age limit for immigration to Australia?
The age limit for immigration in Australia is 55 years old. Note that some States or Territories may waive this requirement if your proposed business or investment strongly benefits their country’s economy.

Which state is the easiest to migrate to in Australia?
The easiest state to migrate to in Australia is Tasmania because all immigrants consider the state as the right place to feel welcomed. Additionally, there are favorable immigration policies and various opportunities available for skilled workers.

How long can you stay in Australia with a working visa?
You can stay in Australia for up to four years if you have a Subclass 482 working visa. Before applying for this visa, ensure that you have a certified employer in the country willing to sponsor you.
While starting a new life in another country may not seem easy to a common man, our fast and easy ways to migrate to countries like Australia have proven that provided the methods are adhered to, applicants will get the right visa that aligns with their interests.