5 ways to get permanent residency in Australia

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Are you interested in relocating to Australia as a permanent resident? If yes, then this guide was researched and written for you.

In this article, we aim to provide a well-detailed and comprehensive explanation of how general skilled migration to Australia works. Knowing these 5 ways to get permanent residency in Australia gives you an edge and makes your journey quite easy.

Keep reading.

5 ways to get permanent residency in Australia

1. Australia PR based on your skills (Skilled Migration Program Visa 491,190,189)

This includes General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas, such as Subclass 189, Subclass 190, and Subclass 491, which is the most popular way to receive Australian PR.

This is a points-based visa and a significant part of the Australian migration program. If you have abilities listed on the Australian Skilled Occupation List, you might be interested in this program.

There are three streams to the skilled migration program:

● Visa Subclass 189 skilled independent is a direct PR, while 190 and 491 are state-sponsored visas.
● Visa Subclass 190 is exclusively a state-sponsored visa that requires a nomination from one of Australia’s states.
● For a Visa Subclass 491, you may be sponsored by a state or territory or by a close relative who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident living in remote Australia.
Subclasses 189 and 190 are permanent residency visas, whereas regional visa 491 is a 5-year temporary visa with a track to PR via Subclass 191 after income conditions are reached.

The DHA website contains a list of skilled vocations in demand in Australia. If you have abilities related to one of these occupations, you may be qualified to apply for a GSM visa.

These are point-based visas, and eligibility requires a minimum of 65 points.

Australia PR points are mostly based on variables such as:

● Age
● Qualification
● Work experience
● Study in regional Australia
● English language test results
● Partner skills
● State sponsorship (state sponsorship points are for 190 and 491 visas only).
If you are eligible, you must obtain a positive competence evaluation from the appropriate skill-assessing authority for your occupation.

You will also need to demonstrate competent English (IELTS 6.0 or equivalent).

You may require higher English exam results for a higher point test score.

For some skilled migrants interested in owning a small business in Australia, four states, including Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory, offer small business owner pathways to 491 or 190 nominations.

2. Australia PR based on being sponsored by an Australian employer (Employer Sponsored Visa 482, 494, 186, 187)

Australia’s employer-sponsored visa program enables Australian firms to quickly obtain the support they need.

The initiative is designed to assist firms that are having trouble employing local workers for one or more of the following reasons: the job requires specialized talents that are in limited supply in Australia, and the location is not appealing to local workers.

The most popular visa choices for employer-sponsored visas include the following subclasses:

● 482 Temporary Skills Shortage Visa (This includes Designated Area Migration Agreements)
● 186 Employer Nominated Scheme (Permanent) Visa
● 494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa
If you have an Australian employer, you may be eligible for employer-sponsored visas. Visa 186 is a permanent residency visa, whereas Visas 482 and 494 are temporary visas with pathways to PR if the requirements are completed.

After three years of working for an employer on 482 visas, the employer may sponsor the employee for 186, depending on the applicant’s occupation.

There are usually two types of occupations: short-term and long-term, which determine your permanent residency pathway.

After working for the firm for three years on a 494 visa, the employee may apply for permanent residency via a Subclass 191 visa if they satisfy the relevant income level criterion, which is presently set at AUD 53,900. This figure is subject to fluctuation due to inflation after every financial year.

The most difficult aspect of this program is finding an Australian employer who is prepared to sponsor you.

The Australian government has just announced that short-term 482 visa holders who were in Australia during the Covid-19 outbreak will be able to apply for Permanent Residency Visa 186.

3. Global Talent Visa Australia Program

The Global Talent Visa (Subclass 858) is a streamlined visa scheme that allows highly talented people to relocate to Australia.

The Global Talent visa application and processing period are simpler and faster than for many other Australian visas. There is no age limit or point testing, and it gives automatic permanent residency with a quick processing period to extremely talented applicants.

This visa category is for individuals with internationally recognized records of extraordinary and outstanding accomplishments. Furthermore, applicants must be able to earn more than 158,500 AUD to boost their chances of receiving an invitation.

Additionally, you must have an acceptable nominator who is well-known in your industry. Your nominator could be an Australian person or organization. Finally, if you have abilities in one of the GTI program’s priority industries, you can apply via the Global Talent Stream.

A Global Talent Independent program requires an Expression of Interest. To apply for a visa, you must be invited.

4. Australia PR based on doing a business (Business Innovation and Investment Visa 188)

This comprises the Provisional visa Subclass 188, and its permanent residency pathway visa, Subclass 888.

The subclass 188 visa is a temporary residence permit that allows international business migrants to stay in Australia for up to four years. Once your visa is granted, you will be able to perform business and investment activities in Australia.

Depending on whether you have capital to invest or you have a company plan and want to build a startup, there are a few distinct streams available, which include:

● Business Innovation Stream 188a: If you run a business with a sufficient turnover of $750,000 and personal assets of AUD 1.25 million. This stream requires you to run a business in Australia for at least two years with a turnover of AUD 300,000 in the four years before your PR application via Visa 888.
● Investor stream 188b: an investment of at least AUD 2.5 million.
● Significant Investor Stream (SIV) 188c: a minimum investment of AUD5 million is required. The SIV is becoming increasingly popular because it has no age restrictions, no English requirements, and quick processing. The primary distinction between the Significant Investor Stream 188c and the Investor Stream 188b is that the former does not require business experience. However, your investment will be handled by a trustworthy Australian government fund and well-known Australian banks, with fund distribution options available.
● Entrepreneur stream: if you have a business proposal and are wanting to start up.
For certain streams, a state nomination may be necessary, as well as a declaration of interest before applying.

Once you have been on an 188 visa for a particular amount of time and have met all of the requirements for each stream, you may apply for a Permanent residency subclass 888 visa.

There are additional business visa streams in Australia that are not as popular as the 188 visas, simply because the 188 visa is much more appropriate for business clients than others.

Other business visa streams include the Skilled Migration Small Business Owner stream in the state for 491/190 nominations, the MINT Program in the Northern Territory, etc.

5. Australian PR based on Australian citizen/Permanent resident family

Partner visas are for people who have a committed connection with an Australian. Partner visas are available for married or de facto relationships, including offshore Subclass 309/100, onshore Subclass 820/801, and prospective marriage Subclass 300.

Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for one of the visas. Subclass 300 is a temporary visa for partners of Australian citizens or permanent residents who desire to live and marry in Australia.

Once married, they can apply for a Partner visa onshore under Subclass 820/801.

After two years from the date of your 309/100 application, you may be eligible for a 100 visa, which is a permanent residence.

In essence, partner visas necessitate a large quantity of convincing documentation to demonstrate a real relationship.

As said, Australia’s immigration processes are extensive and complex, with many avenues to permanent status.

What is the Australia permanent residency requirement?

Once you’ve learned how to apply for Australian PR, you should understand the basic requirements for a permanent residence visa in Australia.

The Australian Immigration Authority has outlined these key requirements for immigrants (from India and other locations). They include:

● Proper Documentation: You must provide vital documents such as education transcripts, certifications, travel documents, the English Language Proficiency Test Result (IELTS), and Skill Assessment Report approved by a relevant assessing authority.
● Choosing the Visa Type/Class: When applying for permanent residency in Australia, you must decide whether you want a non-sponsored or state-nominated visa. Based on that, you can choose among the PR visa subclasses. Some of the most popular visas are subclasses 186 and 190, which fall under the categories of Employer Nominated Visa and State Nominated Visa, respectively. Subclass 189 is classified as a non-sponsored visa.
● SOL Step: After selecting the visa type, pick your preferred occupation from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL). For non-sponsored visas (subclass 189), the occupation should be chosen from the SOL of Australia; however, for nominated visa types (subclass 190), the occupation should be chosen from the SOL of the Australian state in which you are nominated and seeking employment.
● EOI Step: After completing the preceding formalities, you should apply through Australia’s online point-based immigration system. More specifically, you should submit your EOI (Expression of Interest) via SkillSelect online systems, giving minute facts about your profile, some of which are:
I. Age
II. Education qualifications
III. Work Experience
IV. English Language Communication Skills
Each of the aforementioned aspects carries points. Points are assigned based on the significance and weight of the profile factor. Overall, the minimum score required to obtain a PR visa in Australia is 65 (according to the most recent immigration changes). The higher your score, the better your chances of receiving the desired visa invitation.

● Health and Character Requirements: If you wish to immigrate to Australia, you must be medically and morally fit. You must provide health checkup certificates duly certified by a medical practitioner. You must present a moral character certificate after completing the character verification process. Best way to get PR in Australia
2024 Australia PR: A Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining Permanent Residency

Let’s look at each option in detail.

Step 1: Determine Your Eligibility

Before you start your PR application, you need to evaluate your eligibility for the various visa types available. Australia offers various PR visa types, each with its own unique set of restrictions. The most popular visa choices are:

● Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189)
● Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190)
● Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (subclass 186)
● Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme Visa (subclass 187)
To establish which visa type is best suited for you, you must evaluate your eligibility for an Australia PR visa based on characteristics such as:

● Age: You must be under the age of 45 at the time of your application.
● English language competency: This requires a minimum IELTS score of 6.5 in all four bands.
● Education: You must hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized institution.
● Work experience: You must have two years of full-time experience in a skilled occupation.
Step 2: Calculate your points.

The Australian government assesses applications for permanent residency permits using a points-based system. The number of points you gain is determined by several factors, which include:

● Age: You receive 10 points for each year under the age of 45.
● English language skills: These are worth 20 points if you score 8.0 or better on the IELTS.
● Education: A bachelor’s degree is worth 15 points, while a master’s degree or above is worth 20.
● Work experience: You receive 10 points for each year of full-time work in a skilled occupation.
● Australian Point System
● Minimum Points
Step 3: Submit Your Expression of Interest

Once you’ve confirmed your eligibility and calculated your points, the next step is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Australian government. An EOI is an online form in which you enter information about yourself, your abilities, and your qualifications. The Australian government will use your EOI to evaluate your application and decide if you are invited to apply for a PR visa.

Step 4: Gather the required documents.

If you are invited to apply for a PR visa, you must acquire the necessary documentation.

These documents will vary based on your visa application, but they could include:

● Passport
● Educational certificates
● Work references
● Other supporting documentation
Remember to have all documents translated into English and validated before submitting them.

Step 5: Submit your Visa application.

After you submit your visa application, the Australian government will process it. The processing time can vary based on the volume of applications being processed, so please be patient. You may see the status of your application online.

Step 6: Wait for your visa to be granted.

After you’ve finished all of the necessary processes and filed your visa application, the last step is to wait for it to be approved.

P.S: The processing period for a PR visa varies depending on the visa option you select, your specific circumstances, and the volume of applications processed by the Department of Home Affairs.

During the processing period, it is critical to monitor the status of your application via the Australian government’s online application system. You may also get requests for more information or paperwork, which you must promptly give to minimize delays in the processing of your application.

Step 7: Move to Australia

Once your PR visa has been granted, you can relocate to Australia and start your new life as a permanent resident. Your PR visa allows you to live, work, and study in Australia indefinitely, as well as receive healthcare and social security benefits.

It’s vital to remember that as a permanent resident, you have specific responsibilities, such as paying taxes and following Australian rules and regulations. You may also be able to apply for Australian citizenship after meeting certain residency criteria.


While it is possible to complete the visa application procedure on their own, many people prefer to hire immigration advisors.

Immigration consultants are experts in visa applications who can offer advice and support throughout the procedure. They can assist you with determining your eligibility, calculating points, and submitting your application. All the best!